
I know you are on this site because you love Troy and care about him. The family wanted to create this to keep friends informed of his progress and share God's blessings, grace and mercy that He has shown us over the past weeks. We have come far, but the journey is still long. Please continue to keep us in your daily prayers. We thank and love you. I leave you with this - Troy's last words to Robin before the ventilator was put in, "Our God is an Awesome God".

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Great Day

Troy looked great today! He was awake and in the wheelchair getting ready to go to physical therapy when I arrived. He was very alert and talking well. His voice is still soft, but it is above a whisper. We went to the gym, where they had him do some arm extensions to test his range of motion. He also did some strength tests; he had to squeeze this device that measured lbs of pressure in his hands and fingers. The technician said there was a lot of work to do, and he estimated 2-3 weeks to get him where he should be. The next stop was speech therapy. In that room asked him a lot of questions, some word associations and some yes/no questions. One of them was, "Which is lighter books or feathers?" He paused of a moment. I got a little nervous; he had been doing so well on this test. Then he said, "It depends on how many books you have and how many feathers." She told him 1 book and 1 feather, and he had no problem answering it. He completely aced the test. The therapist said she was amazed at how well he did and that they would be able to devote all of their time to swallowing therapy and getting him ready to eat, since his memory was fine. When we got back to the room, he wanted to take a nap. Once we got him all settled back into be, he started to go to sleep and told me to go home. He did well today. It was such a relief to see the progress. "Our God is an Awesome God"

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